Monday, March 23, 2009


Well, like most adopting families, the costs are getting ahead of us. So, we are planning 2 fundraisers locally. Buffalo Wild Wings is having a Reeces Rainbow Day, where everybody who presents their flyer upon paying their tab will be donating 20 percent of their tab to Reeces Rainbow, and to Lilly's fund. BW's requires nothing from us, but we need to get people in there!! Yikes, how do we do that?

Then, a friend of mine is a Creative Memories Consultant (scrapbooking) and is helping with an "all day crop". A day of scrapbooking from 9am until 9pm with the fee going toward our adoption fund! I hope EVERYONE in the area wants to scrap!!!

So, that's where we are. Waiting and wondering... praying and waiting. Please say a prayer that it all works out the way God intends! (and that I don't somehow put a wrench in his plans!)

God Bless

1 comment:

Googsmom said...

I wish I was closer. I'd come and eat everything and scrapbook till I fell over...LOL Best wishes Sheryl and Joby. Many Prayers for the fundraising!!!

Oh, Happy Birthday Joby!!! I saw it was your day over at Uno ;)