We have now had Lily home, in the states, for 8 days. However, due to previous committments for Joby's work, we went out of town on Thursday and only just returned home. The good news is we were able to stay at a resort where they have an indoor water park...and we found out Lily LOVES the water!! Oh my goodness. We took her and Elizabeth into the baby section, set her down and went to sit down with her (so she wouldn't get scared, of course) and she stood up and walked in further! The stinker! She loved everything about it, the water, the splashes, the sprinkles of water caused by the other kids going by...everything! I'm so glad because I felt pretty bad taking her out of town right after we brought her home. But she did WONDERFULLY!
We have also got the sleeping issues under control (for the last couple of nights anyway). Lily has been going to sleep around 8 or 8:30 and waking up 7 or 7:30. And she SLEEPS! Unlike Elizabeth, who still wakes up multiple times during the night, she sleeps sound. I'm lovin' it!
So, everything is going well and she's adjusting like a pro. She still has occassional moments where she is a little sad, and I think she's missing her caregivers and her friends. We let her experience this because I think it would be wrong to try to "jolly" her out of it. But then, after a moment or two, she comes over and wants me to cuddle for a while. Sometimes she has some tears, sometimes just a sad look. But either way, it seems like she is looking to me more and more to help and that it makes her feel better to be held by me or Joby. So, all in all, I think she's doing WONDERFUL!
I've posted a couple of pics. Lily and Elizabeth at the park with bubbles, and then at the resort in the water. They have become pretty good buds and share pretty well. Elizabeth was crying about taking some medicine last night, and Lily patted her on the back as if to say, "it's o.k. now" and opened her own mouth as if offering to take it for her. It was priceless! And Lily fell down and hurt her fingers and Elizabeth went over and patted her head to comfort her. (She then showed her how to hold out her hand so I could kiss it...it was so sweet!).
So, we're good here. Hope you all are well also.
How awesome is your family!! The girls look so cute together! What a blessing they will be to each other (and to you) their whole lives! Special friends!
Great update. {{{{HUGS}}}} all the kids!
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