Thursday, February 19, 2009

Valentines Day

New name...?

So, the other night I find out that not everyone (read.. "the twins") in the family is so hip on the name "Faith". Although they know I like it, and the reason I want to name Yin-Chiao Faith, still don't like it. As Joby and I want everyone to have a say (since they are older than typical peers), we started the name game... again. Right now we're down to "Lilly". Lilly Michael Yin Hyman. I love it, Joby loves it, the older kids are thinking about it. Whatcha think? Anyone have an opinion? (I do think it's easy to picture her with that name... maybe easier than the name "faith".)

We are still waiting. We are expecting to hear from Cathwel any day now with the updates and contract. I'm really getting anxious to see new pictures and get progress updates. I seriously need to work on Patience!

We have also been in contact with anothe family who is on the same path at what appears to be the exact same time. Everything seems to be happening to us at the very same time! So, we're hoping we'll be adopting at the same time and can spend time with them in Taiwan. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have "pen pals" in the U.S., coming from the same place? I think it would be good for the girls to have that history.

Well, that's it. I keep wanting to post, but keep waiting for something exciting to write. Maybe soon! (hopefully)

BTW, took the above pictures on valentines day... what a ham!


Monday, February 9, 2009

just waiting now...

Thanks guys for all of the positive comments! It's so nice to read them and know someone cares enough to check up on us!

Right now we have the checklist done: all paperwork sent! applications for passports done! Immigration paperwork done! Scrapbook done!

Now it's just sit back and wait. We are expecting the court documents within the next week or two (along with the updates and pics! yay!) and then we RUSH to get them authenticated (not sure that's the correct terminology, but it's the concept) and then we wait some more. Then, however, we'll just be waiting for our "come fly with us" call.

Wow, it seems like it was Mountains of paperwork, now..... nothing....

I can't wait! Meanwhile at our house:

I've had shingles... yes, you heard it right! Never before, but they showed up about 10 days ago. Doctor said, "you need to not get so stressed, that's when they appear". Well.... duh! Why didn't I think of that? :-) But, they're better now so all is well with me.

then... Tia somehow got food poisening on SuperBowl Sunday. She was sooo incredibly sick that she actually ASK me to take her to the ER. This from the girl who can "tough it out" no matter what!

then... Amber got a stomach bug and was home sick from school for 4 days.

then, last but not least... Elizabeth got her immunizations Friday and now has what appears to be the beginning of cellulitis in her left thigh. (sigh). We're hoping it gets better and watching it very close; giving her ibuprofen for inflammation and tylenol for pain, but geez!

Hopefully in another 48 hours EVERYONE in my house will be well again! (I'm beginning to think Joby goes out of town on business just to get some sleep! haha)

Well, that's it for our updates!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Pictures of our baby to be!!!

April 2008
March 2008

February 2008

January 2008

These are old pictures we have of Yin-Chiao. The most recent being in April of 2008. But, now we can officially share them!!!! And I will add moer as I receive them. She's such a beautiful baby!


Just received the phone call from Julie! Cathwel has officially "matched" us with Yin-Chiao!!! Now, we have A LOT of work to do FAST! Actually, I have a lot of work to do fast. Joby is in Arizona this week. There's timing for ya!) I need to apply to immigration, send for our passports, complete the scrapbook, write a letter to the birthmother and fill out 2 different applications! But still, woo-hoo!!!!

In approximately 2 weeks (hopeful estimate) we will get more paperwork, along with update pictures, medical updates, and progress reports. I can't wait to see how she's doing now!

O.K., no time, no time. Off to download paperwork! (now you can pray for ME to get it all done!!! Please)


Still waiting.....

Well, we are still waiting for a reply from Cathwel to our response to their questions (did that even make sense?). (sigh). I did hear from Julie though. She said that last Monday was Chinese New Year and the ENTIRE country goes on vacation for 10 days! So, she believes that is what is delaying the response. She's hoping to hear from them by February 5th. I'M hoping to hear from them within the next ... say.... 10 minutes! :-)

In the meantime, Julie gave us some busy work (maybe to keep me from emailing her again with a "have you heard" subject line?) We have to make a scrapbook to send to Cathwel of our family, our extended family, our community, etc. They then use these scrapbooks to show to birthmothers, and then give it to the birthmother after she selects a family. Julie said include some pics of the local school (o.k.) and maybe the local parks where we play (alright, I know she lives in Floriday, but does SHE remember we live in Michigan? The parks are all COVERED with snow!) haha. So that's what we're doing.

Now, if you know me (any of my family reading this will confirm) you know that finding enough pictures WILL NOT be the problem.... narrowing it down to just a few will definately be more of an issue. We want to put our best foot forward and show all of the wonderful people and things that will be available to our baby if her birth mother lets her come home with us! So now we're involved with "voting" at our house. With a 19 year old son, two 16 year old daughters, a beautiful toddler, and 2 bossy parents, ALL who are very opinionated!, this has become a "process" at our house. But, at least it helps by letting us believe we are somehow moving the process forward...

So, that is where we stand. I've been getting a few questions and realized I need to update everyone.

Please continue to pray that the process continues to move forward and smooths out! I'd love to have her home for summer! Can you just imagine how much fun Elizabeth and Faith could have together this summer?

I will try to keep this updated. I just keep hoping for more to update! (Joby will be the first to point out that patience is NOT my best attribute!)
