Monday, February 2, 2009


Just received the phone call from Julie! Cathwel has officially "matched" us with Yin-Chiao!!! Now, we have A LOT of work to do FAST! Actually, I have a lot of work to do fast. Joby is in Arizona this week. There's timing for ya!) I need to apply to immigration, send for our passports, complete the scrapbook, write a letter to the birthmother and fill out 2 different applications! But still, woo-hoo!!!!

In approximately 2 weeks (hopeful estimate) we will get more paperwork, along with update pictures, medical updates, and progress reports. I can't wait to see how she's doing now!

O.K., no time, no time. Off to download paperwork! (now you can pray for ME to get it all done!!! Please)


1 comment:

Amanda Jones said...

Oh wow! Congrats! A lot to do but SO GREAT all the same!
