Monday, February 9, 2009

just waiting now...

Thanks guys for all of the positive comments! It's so nice to read them and know someone cares enough to check up on us!

Right now we have the checklist done: all paperwork sent! applications for passports done! Immigration paperwork done! Scrapbook done!

Now it's just sit back and wait. We are expecting the court documents within the next week or two (along with the updates and pics! yay!) and then we RUSH to get them authenticated (not sure that's the correct terminology, but it's the concept) and then we wait some more. Then, however, we'll just be waiting for our "come fly with us" call.

Wow, it seems like it was Mountains of paperwork, now..... nothing....

I can't wait! Meanwhile at our house:

I've had shingles... yes, you heard it right! Never before, but they showed up about 10 days ago. Doctor said, "you need to not get so stressed, that's when they appear". Well.... duh! Why didn't I think of that? :-) But, they're better now so all is well with me.

then... Tia somehow got food poisening on SuperBowl Sunday. She was sooo incredibly sick that she actually ASK me to take her to the ER. This from the girl who can "tough it out" no matter what!

then... Amber got a stomach bug and was home sick from school for 4 days.

then, last but not least... Elizabeth got her immunizations Friday and now has what appears to be the beginning of cellulitis in her left thigh. (sigh). We're hoping it gets better and watching it very close; giving her ibuprofen for inflammation and tylenol for pain, but geez!

Hopefully in another 48 hours EVERYONE in my house will be well again! (I'm beginning to think Joby goes out of town on business just to get some sleep! haha)

Well, that's it for our updates!


Googsmom said...

Wonderful news on the adoption, not so wonderful on the sickies:( Get better soon everyone!!
Still Praying and sending {{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}

orphans4me said...

I sure hope everyone gets well soon at your house :) I'm glad the paperwork is done for now. The pictures of your daughter are gorgeous--can't wait til you get new ones.